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My account and statements

Viewing my transactions

  1. In the panel on the left hand side of the home page select the account you wish to see transactions for. The last 5 transactions will be automatically displayed in the transaction history for the selected account.
  2. If you are looking for an older transaction select Search in the account summary to find a transaction made within the last 180 days.
  3. To download the transaction list that is displayed on screen, select the Download option at the bottom of the account history screen.
  4. To print the transaction list that is displayed on screen, select the Print option at the bottom of the account history screen.
  5. If you are looking for a transaction from more than 180 days ago and you subscribed to online statements at the time of the transaction, you will find a record of the transaction in your online statements.

Viewing my online statements

  1. To view or print one of your online statements, go to Banking, then under Documents select statements.
  2. Once you have selected an account, the list of available statements will be displayed which you can choose to download.

Linking my accounts

  1. When you first log on, you'll see both your local accounts and your linked international accounts in a panel on the left hand side.
  2. If you haven't added your HSBC accounts in other eligible countries/regions to Global View1, select My banking, under Global View select the option to Add or remove a country/region.
  3. Choose the country/region you'd like to add, read and accept the Terms & Conditions, then follow the instructions on screen.

My messages

  1. From time to time, we will use Online Banking to contact you with important information. If you've received a message from us, you'll see a red number appear next to the envelope in the bar at the top of the screen.
  2. To view your messages, select the envelope and your messages will appear in a list.
  3. Select the message you want to read.
  4. When you have finished reading your message, you can reply, delete or leave the message in your inbox for future reference.
  5. You can also send an inquiry to us by selecting Send us a message.

Contacting HSBC

  1. Whether it's a general enquiry or something more specific, you'll find all the right numbers to call within the Contact  HSBC menu, under Contact and support select Contact us.
  2. To find the number you need, just select the type of enquiry and the appropriate contact numbers will be displayed onscreen.
  3. You can also send an enquiry to us by going to Contact HSBC, under Contact select Send a secure message.
  4. Alternatively, you can request a call from us. Go to Contact HSBC and select Have a specialist contact me.
  5. Select the option that best describes your query, and write a short message to us. When you're finished, just select Submit.


1 Global View not available in all countries/regions.

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